Newlife consortium meeting on 4-6 June 2024 in Ireland
Newlife consortium meeting at Tyndall, Ireland.
It is great to meet with the Newlife consortium again! Aidan Quinn, Head of Tyndall's Micro-Nano Systems Centre, gave us the opening address to the M18 consortium meeting of the Newlife project. Conor O’Mahony from Tyndall, Malin Tverin from Spinverse and Hoa Pham together with Bart Van Rompaey from Philips gave their opening words from host and project coordination point of view. Next on the agenda we started to go through the very intriguing technical progress of Use Cases UC1-UC5 before next day’s planning workshops for the Use Cases.
The five Use Case leaders Petra Sommarlund, Valerio Beni, Vincent Henneken, Benjamin Foerstera and Tuomas Valtonen as well as the WP3 leader Antero Närvä together with Joni Hirviniemi chaired several workshops to enhance the progress of many cool topics within the meeting.
In addition to the development of the Use Cases, a specific focus was on the development of data integration platform and updated data management plan together with the WP3 contributors.
Malin Tverin and Satu Ek from Spinverse took care of the smooth organisation of the consortium meeting with the Tyndall National Institute and guidance for the preparation of the exploitation of the project results, for instance.
Many thanks to our wonderful hosts at Tyndall National Institute in County Cork, Ireland! Despite the chilly weather we felt ourselves very warmly welcomed.