Newlife consortium meeting in Berlin on 23 January 2024
Today, the Newlife consortium successfully started their M12 consortium meeting with ca. 50 participants onsite and 10 participants joining online. The project coordinator Bart van Rompaey warmly welcomed us all in the meeting.
From the host side, Malte von Krshiwoblozki from Fraunhofer IZM opened the meeting and we learnt a lot about Fraunhofer during his speech. It is great that IZM hosted such a large group at their cultural and historical facilities, and together with Spinverse organized the meeting.
We were so happy meet each other again and share our most recent results with the others. The workshops for five Use Cases just started and later today we will get a tour of the modern facilities at IZM.
We did have some challenges with the stormy conditions in the plane traffic and planned train strike but nothing will stop us from meeting each other!
Consortium M12 meeting in full swing
Fraunhofer IZM entrance